Rudy Giuliani speaks during a news conference. Photo: Sarah Silbiger for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Rudy Giuliani plans to defend himself in an upcoming legal ethics case — and he’ll have help from a number of 2020 election deniers.
The big picture: Giuliani could lose his ability to practice law in Washington, DC, if he loses the case, similar to how he can’t practice in the state of New York over his election fraud claims.
Context: The DC Office of Disciplinary Counsel, which regulates ethical misconduct for DC lawyers, charged Giuliani in June after he made claims to support a Trump campaign lawsuit that looked to overturn the 2020 election results in Pennsylvania, Axios’ Jacob Knutson writes.
Details: Giuliani’s lawyers submitted a witness list Friday to a hearing committee that will consider his case in early December, per Bloomberg.
- The list is packed with conservative lawyers and activists who attempted to undo President Biden’s election victories in key election states.
Some of the prominent names on the list include:
- Jenna Elliswho will testify as a former Trump campaign lawyer.
- Doug Mastrianothe Republican candidate for governor of Pennsylvania, who will testify about “the gathering of evidence of voting irregularities.”
- Peter Navarro, the former White House trade adviser, who plans to testify “to his extensive analysis of voting irregularities and alleged illegalities.”
- Corey LewandowskiTrump’s 2016 campaign manager, who will testify that he “witnessed the exclusion of Republican inspectors and poll watchers including himself from inspecting any ballots.”
- Giuliani is also on the witness list.
Flash back: Giuliani was suspended from practicing law in New York in June 2021 for making false statements about the 2020 election, Axios’ Zachary Basu writes.
Go deeper … Giuliani faces DC Bar ethics charge over false election claims